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Choose the right plan that fits your planning needs.


Smarter planning for
personal success




Start today and create plans for
free forever!


Advanced planning for professional excellence


billed annually


Get Started with a 14-day trial,
Cancel anytime


Strategic planning made smarter for business success

billed annually


We will curate custom AI-generated plans that suit your business


Smarter planning for
personal success




Start today and create plans for
free forever!


Advanced planning for professional excellence


billed monthly


Get Started with a 14-day trial,
Cancel anytime


Strategic planning made smarter for business success

billed monthly


We will curate custom AI-generated plans that suit your business

Plan Comparison




AI-Powered Planning

Massa, mauris nisl, sapien porta dolor malesuada sit lorem congue. Nascetur.

Live Chat

Vitae imperdiet sit nibh egestas arcu nibh. Amet mauris at egestas elementum. Dui.


Bibendum posuere dui molestie sed tellus. Morbi molestie in.


Urna etiam platea mattis arcu lacus ultrices morbi in. Mauris egestas justo.

Automation Tools

Ac, eu dui fermentum, faucibus accumsan. Leo in amet consectetur ac.

Actionable Insights

Mollis pretium vitae id sagittis commodo ac. Hac posuere aenean non duis ut.

Planning Automation

Auctor congue consectetur massa posuere diam purus, aliquam lobortis.

Customer Success Manager

Pharetra consectetur sagittis, proin gravida urna, purus. Justo sit magna ac.

Multi-user Access​

Convallis nam posuere phasellus duis nunc. Elementum tortor ac vitae facilisis.

Priority Support

Aliquet molestie integer felis id quis. In elementum massa amet nisi. Eget et duis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Plannr.ai and what does it do?
Plannr.ai is an AI-powered planning tool that generates customized plans tailored to specific goals and preferences. The tool leverages natural language processing and machine learning to help individuals, professionals, and businesses create and implement various types of plans. Plannr.ai offers a range of plans tailored to specific goals, such as travel, workouts, meals, budgets, and more. The tool also integrates with popular project management tools such as Monday, Asana, Trello, and more, to help individuals, professionals, and businesses implement the plans generated from Plannr.ai easily.
What can Plannr.ai do for me?
  • Provide a convenient and efficient way to plan and organize your operations, whether it’s for personal or professional purposes.
  • Generate customized plans tailored to your specific goals and preferences, with natural language input and predefined parameters to make the process fast and user-friendly.
  • Help you stay organized and focused on your goals, with time-saving automation and integration with popular project management tools.
How is Plannr.ai priced and what do subscribers receive?
Plannr.ai offers competitive pricing for its subscription fees, with several pricing tiers for individuals, professionals, and businesses, and options for monthly and annual subscriptions. Subscribers receive access to customized plans tailored to specific goals and preferences, natural language input, time-saving automation, integration with Website Copy: HOME PAGE (Plannr.ai/home) 4 project management tools, personalized recommendations, collaboration with AIpowered virtual assistants, and predefined parameters. The subscription fees grow with the subscribers’ needs and requirements, making it a scalable solution for individuals, professionals, and businesses
Can I cancel my Plannr.ai subscription if I'm not satisfied with the tool?

Plannr.ai offers a 14-day satisfaction guarantee for its subscription fees. If you’re not satisfied with the tool, you can cancel your subscription and receive a full refund within the first 14 days. After the 14-day period, you can still cancel your subscription at any time, but you will not receive a refund for the remaining subscription period. Our team is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our customers and welcomes any feedback or concerns

Ready to get started?

Sit egestas luctus ac dolor, porttitor. Massa quam consectetur feugiat maecenas in tellus, eget rhoncus. Elementum est odio.